Monday, June 2, 2014

Bitcoin and Apple - Bitcoin Apps now allowed in the Apple Store?

According to Business Insider, a new section was added to Apple's developer guidelines. This clause 11.17 states:

"Apps may facilitate transmission of approved virtual currencies provided that they do so in compliance with all state and federal laws for the territories in which the app functions."

This leads many to believe that Apple must have plans in the works for adding Bitcoin, or other virtual currencies, to their app store. 

Considering the previous ban that Apple had on many Bitcoin wallets, this is a major change in pace for a large section of the smart phone population. In February of this year, Blockchain's app was removed from the app store, after being downloaded over 120,000 times. 

In CoinDesk's report of the ban, Jon Southurst mentioned how Bitcoin App Developers were starting to abandon Apple's closed down App Store. Many developers when learning of Blockchain's fate, decided to move from App wallets to wallets available to web browsers. Perhaps this change in Apple's stance on virtual currency apps will lead to more developers working once again on the App Store. 

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